Thursday, May 28, 2009

Friends and family are the best!

Well now that I've established my routine at home, I figured it's time to meet some people!

I spent a whole bunch of time with my grandparents... and boy are they fun!! Baachan and Jiichan are really funny, they come over to my house and hold me and sing to me. Baachan even made Mommy and Daddy a really yummy dinner. Aunt Shana came over too, and by the end of the day she was a pro at holding me and keeping me happy. While they were here Grandpa came over to show me a picture he had taken of me and printed on his new printer. The picture was bigger than I am!!! Mommy set the picture in my crib so it wouldn't get bent, and then Daddy walked into my room and thought I was in the crib!! Hahaha, if I had thought about it I would have saved that trick for April Fools day! Grandma came over too and just held me and stared at me.

And now that I've met the family I'm thinking it's time to get my parents out of the house. I was starting to feel a little coop'ed up and I wanted to put some more faces to the voices I've been hearing for the last 9 months. So first we went to Mommy's work and I got to meet all the people who gave me so many nice things... like my swing and blankies and books. Next stop was Daddy's work. I could tell that some of them had never held a baby before, but I really enjoyed meeting everyone.

Next we went over to the DeChenne's house and I got to see Ethan again. He's my buddy and when I'm big enough to walk and play he's going to show me how to do puzzles and play in the pool and dance. But for right now, I just enjoy watching him do all those things. Funny story, when we got over to their house I decided it was time to test my parents diaper bag packing skills, so I blew out my diaper and outfit... they changed me into a fresh and clean diaper, but guess what, they forgot to bring me an outfit! So I got brought home in a blanket. Now I think they pack two outfits just in case there is another pop quiz!! Or should I say, poop quiz! Haha!

Until next time,

Aunt Shana holding me.
Grandma holding me.
James at Daddy's work holding me.
Me being brought home in a blanket because I have no clothes.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

There's no place like home...

So my first few weeks at home have been really interesting: first diaper changes at home, first meals at home, first time sleeping in my own bed, first bath at get the drill.
My favorite game to play with Mommy and Daddy so far is poo launch. My current record is about 3 feet. Daddy wasn't very excited about that one because he had to take the curtains down and throw them in the wash (SCORE!!!!).

I order full service meals about every 2 to 3 hours, though the menu is pretty limited. I have a choice of breast milk from either the right or the left but I usually end up having both before I'm stuffed (my favorite is the right). I dine for about 30 min. and then I usually receive a small spa treatment which consists of a wipe-down with a warm washcloth, followed by a fresh diaper. If I feel I need extra pampering I'll opt for the additional bum warming from a toasty hair drier, it feels really nice.

Sometimes I get really greasy and I need a bath. I don't really care much for bath time. Mommy and Daddy make me get naked and hose me down with water. It sucks. I hate being naked, and I hate being cold, wet, and naked even more. The only part of bath time I can handle is when Mommy washes my hair. That part isn't so bad. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy like to give me special hairstyles, like a mohawk or duckbill (Mommy calls it a duck butt). After I get all warm, dry, and get a new diaper, I usually get all swaddled up. Every now and then I get dressed and go out.After I get all comfy and swaddled, I get burped and then I usually sleep. I don't have any problems with getting to sleep. In fact, I usually fall asleep while eating. I nap for about an hour at a time. When I get really tired in the afternoon I can sleep 2 to 3 hours straight. Mommy and Daddy don't look very happy when I need to be fed and changed at 3:00 am. It's really hard to be me; I live a very difficult life.

My first time on the changing table. I was pretty fussy so Daddy had to calm me down.

Bath time wasn't much fun for me, I don't think it was fun for Mommy and Daddy either.

Ahhhhh, life is so rough.

My punk rocker look, pretty scary huh...

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Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm here!

Hi everyone, it's Allison. Even though I'm only 12 days old, I figured that I should start some type of web blog/diary to keep all of my fans up to date with what is going on in my life. Since this is my first entry I thought that I would start at the very beginning, my birthday.

Actually everything started the day before my birthday, April 21st. it was pretty early in the morning (I'd say about 4:00 am or so) and I was playing around inside mommy and I poked a hole in something. I'm not exactly sure what it was, but Mommy complained a bit about being all wet and got a little excited about it.

Daddy drove Mommy to the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle where they waited all day for me to come out and play. In truth, I wasn't very excited about leaving my warm and cozy space inside Mommy. Daddy took Mommy on some pretty long walks trying to get me to see what I was missing in the outside world. I was too comfy on the inside and I didn't want to budge. At about 6:00 pm I started to get a little less comfortable, my warm and cozy space started to get smaller and smaller, so I decided it was time for me to pack up and leave. It took a while for me to squeeze through the long tunnel to get out. I'm not sure who designed my old living space inside Mommy but they should have put a bit more thought into the exit route...waaayyy too small! Anyway, I finally made it out of there at 12:05 am on April 22, 2009, and boy was I cold! Luckily some nice people wrapped me up in blankets right away and wiped all the goo off of me. I felt much better after that. There were also lots of bright flashes of lights. I was really tired after all the commotion had died down and all I wanted to do is sleep. The next few days were a bit of a blur. Several people came to the hospital to visit me, there were a lot more bright flashes of light. I also got poked in the heel, that didn't feel very good. I wanted to eat every 2 hours or so and discovered the joys of pee and poo. The rest of the time I spent sleeping, dreaming of that warm and cozy space I used to call home (the outside world is really, really big).

After 3 days in the hospital, Mommy and Daddy decided it was time to take me home. They got me dressed in some clothes which I didn't like all. I'd rather be warm and naked. After I got done complaining about being clothed, they put me in my car seat so I could leave the hospital. It took me a while to get used to my new car seat but now I like it a lot. It's really comfy and I fall asleep in it almost immediately.

Now I'm getting used to being home. I'll write more soon.
Hugs and kisses to all,

Mommy and Daddy out walking... they went all the way to the Mountlake Bridge!
Me at 5 minutes old.
Time to check out of the hospital and head home!